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Soutien du chagrin
Maureen McGee
Né àMichigan
47 years
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L'arbre Généalogique
Les Mémoires
Peg McPhee Gordon

I remember sitting at the park on Spring Street and we would pretend we were people who had just met for the very first time ; and for some reason we would begin laughing so hard that one of would end up rolling down the hill.

Peg McPhee Gordon
I had my photo gallery at the Cancer Center at U of M and we dedicated it to Maureen. When I see people riding their bikes and they have yellow helmets on I think of her. When I see homeless people going into St. Andrews for a meal I think of her. When I do not expect to think of her, I do. I see her face in a crowd. She was my first true love and when she passed a part of me went with her. I know we both moved on but when she died all I realized was I never stopped loving her.
Les Mémoires Totales: 2
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